Puspa Kamal Dahal is working on reaching a settlement with his son Prakasha Dahal’s second wife Srijana.While his wife, Sita is focused on bringing her daughter-in law back with her if she agrees, the weeklynepal reported that as a back up plan, the father is willing to provide Rs 15 million for taking care of his grandson.Srijana had left Prakash’s home after he eloped away with Bina Magar to India following their ascent to Mount Everest. Since than she has been staying with her parents in Pokhara. – Presently, Prakash has returned home from India and lives with his parents at their Lazimpat bungalow. He has even claimed that he has not married Bina, even after staying with her for such a long time.Prachanda’s wife, who has arranged the marriage between Prakash and Srijana, is stressing on bringing Srijana back to her house. However, Srijana is reported to have expressed unwillingness to ‘join the broken strings’ and has also been looking for her share of property from Prakash so that she can make a living with their son.“I simply cannot take anymore of his drunkeness and his insults. Even while in his senses he has never looked with love and has always treated me inhumanly,” she was quoted by the weekly as sharing with her peers.Considering this situation, Prachanda, the former rebel leader who headed a 10 year long armed insurgency to curb out inequality in the nation, is willing to get a new daughter in law by finalizing divorce condition with Srijana. -