Prime Minister Narendra Modi is "so frustrated that he can get me killed," Arvind Kejriwal has said in a 10-minute video in which he catalogues his government's many points of dispute with the centre. Claiming that the PM operates in a perpetual state of rage fueled by dislike for his opponents, the Chief Minister of Delhi says he has turned insomniac because he "is worried about whether the country is in safe hands". The 10-minute video, titled "Arvind Kejriwal's message to the common man", has been posted on social media by his Aam Aadmi Party or AAP. Mr Kejriwal's reveal about his perceived threat to his life is made at the end. "Things will get worse," he says, "he can do anything, have me eliminated," asking his party's supporters and volunteers to prep for unrestrained persecution. Mr Kejriwal's speech comes as AAP has protested angrily against the lengthening list of lawmakers arrested by the Delhi Police - 11 as of this week on charges ranging from threatening to run ove