Popular singer Ram Krishna Dhakal has released his new music video today by organizing a grand event held at Kathmandu. Song titled as Timi Ayenau is a love number which is sung by Ram Krishna Dhakal and Sanjeevani. Song is written by Ananda Adhikari and composed by Shikhar Santosh. Song is included on Ram Krishna Dhakal’s 15th album Awaran. Gopal Rasaily has arranged the song whereas Nikesh Khadka has directed the music video. Music video features Ram Krishna Dhakal’s wife Neelam Dhakal as lead model whereas new model Manchin Shakya is debuting as a model from the music video. Bindabasini Music has released the album and music video. Enjoy this beautiful song by Ram Krishna Dhakal featuring Sanjeevani right here on Canada Nepal: