4 year old boy looks like an 80 year old pensioner

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Bayezid Hossain is a 4 year old and the tragic boy was born with an incredibly r@re condition . The condition has left him looking like an 80-year-old man. Because of the condition, he suffers from a swollen face, sagging skin, aching joints and hollow eyes.

The sh)cking and sad thing is that he may never find a cure for it. Bayezid lives outside Magura in southern Bangladesh and he even has difficulties passing urine and already has weak and broken teeth. He is affectionately referred to as ‘old man’ in the village and the children from the village were afraid to play with him at first. But his father does claim that he is smarter than other kids of the same age. The parents have been constantly told that because of the r@re condition Progeria and Cutis Laxa, Bayezid is unlikely to live past the age of 15 . Tripti Khatun is his mother and is 18 year old and when she gave birth to him, she was only 14 year old. She is amazed at her son’s mental abilities but is also heart broken when she looks at him. She even says that ‘he looked like an alien’ when he was born. She said, ‘Bayezid only learned to walk aged three but he had a full set of teeth at three months old. His physical growth is completely abnormal but mentally, he has wonderful conversation, very aware and is very intuitive for his age. He does not look like other children. He looks like an old man. As a first time mother I can’t bear the pain of seeing my child like this.’ In 2012, Bayezid was born at a government maternity hospital. Doctors had no idea how to treat him and his parents on the other hand were devastated. His mother said, ‘I was terrified to see him when he was born. He was just flesh and bones. He looked like an alien and it was heartbreaking for me. Doctors had no idea what to do, they said they had never seen such a baby. They warned us that there was nothing they could do.’ - See more at: http://nagrikpost.com/4-year-old-boy-looks-like-an-80-year-old-pensioner/#sthash.YJd0NUUB.dpuf
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