Breaking News : Bus accident in Panchkhal of Kavre

भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !
The holding of the election of the Nepal Students Union (NSU) under its 11th General Convention is likely to get delayed further, as some student leaders have come out in protest accusing the Direction Committee of adding some fake voters. Organizing a press conference today, seven candidates vying for the post of NSU President have accused the Direction Committee of publicizing the final name list of the representative voters at midnight on Saturday that includes 300 faked voters. The Direction Committee was formed by the NSU mother party-the Nepali Congress to oversee the elections. The protesting students have demanded correction to the voter's roll.

NSU student leader Dipak Bhattarai warned that the convention process would not proceed ahead unless there is correction to the voter's roll. However, a statement jointly issued by the Direction Committee's members Gobinda Bhattarai and Gururaj Ghimire said that the issue of the voter's name list has landed in a dispute as the process to select the names of voters was revamped. RSS
भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !



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