Facebook to post abusive fined 1 million to 60 million!

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Katamathaum. Australia, a person who posted offensive content on Facebook, more than 150,000 dollars because of the court (1 million 60 thousand dollars) penalty is prescribed.The Facebook post by a hotel owner aksepale life was wasted.

In March 2014, David Scott electrician phesabukamarphata "Blue Dolphin Motel 'owner rothalai pedophile (to show themselves to be sexually attracted to a person) were accused of.

Because of death threats twice rothale also found. Due to his many unfamiliar phone numbers that Facebook is a post-bell began to ring. Not only so, an unidentified group attacked him when he and his family live in 6 months if haspitalasameta need for these changes should state the same. His life did not end the plight goes further, due to the threats he should leave business to business too.

As a father of David Scott since he was his duty to warn the congregation saying that they defend. Judge judithale the outset 1 million 50 thousand dollars in fines have been designated.

Many people have said enough rothalai debhidamathi prescribed penalty should call them to those who attacked the group and they have also demanded punishment.
भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !



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