Preety sad news

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Was born the son of a family of four days. This is to celebrate all the same grave were before the house. "Four days before the naming of the child also passed ', kitamanaka Bahadur Gurung's son Eliab and said," listening to all his family is dead, neighbors, relatives gathered at antidepressants, but the door is closed. There is no open door. 'Generation and gathering of mourning villagers tulips and said that he had cried doing. A day away from the village farmhouse has rolpadamdama kitamanako. Sataathavata herds are stable. Caraidine people who are not untie. Now a couple of days to go highland cattle kitamanaka caraidine plan Bahadur. Love and four days after birth sick child both a helicopter accident while being taken to Kathmandu for treatment was. Contact by helicopter to bring Laxmi Gurung died in an accident. Lakshmi is the three-year-old. Her husband ballot are in Dubai. Nepal founder Chhekampar face, she wiped the scope Chumchet and sirdibasa Nisha Tamang died in an accident. The central office of the organization he was working as quickly as possible to come to Kathmandu Tamang directed the same chopper was returning. Love her nursing home last Thursday. Post sirdibasa health worker ... .., as the hands of local woman withdrew from the umbilical cord wound body as well as love and inpheksanasameta them. "Four days he did not come to the blood. Coughing blood loss, urinary incontinence, bhaihyo jharirahane. Phistulasameta was. And we can not here suggested that we take immediate Kathmandu ', falls Gurung said. Sirdibasa Gurkha headquarters is 31 miles away. It takes three days to get there motarabatosamma. There is a helicopter, the only option for transportation. "On the one hand sikistai love her, on the other hand Weather failure and was closed for a few days mobile. So when we need to call a helicopter that could ', kitamanaka another husband, Susan Gurung said, "Sunday came belukamatra tower. And on Monday, a helicopter invited. 'Kitamana and asani also sick for a long time due to the helicopter when jvaimchorile have sent Kathmandu. Asanika kitamana and two sons are in Malaysia. Four daughter has been married. They offer a helicopter, four daughters and her husband, who was Eliab. '11 Was at Haley comes is', Bahadur's son Eliab and said, "There was a helicopter. Not even start off. We bring the sick lagethyo allibera. It is famous for the pilot taxi and wait? That abuses. Helema rushed ourselves. Also found to speak. Bhyaiena photographs. 'Another said her husband, Susan was little conversation. "Some do not know as we grow older. Where the patient gets the carry-in-law have considered that it was ", Susan said," and I have come to take him, and go to striving for satisfaction that I sent. "40 minutes after takeoff Kathmandu sirdibasabata reach to a lack of contact hours, they said atallieko. "Soon it was assumed that this was the news began to wonder. Our wives and sisters are weeping at that time, "said Susan. They chartered a helicopter to Rs one lakh 20 thousand loans were sought. "A father with a helicopter that was to rent the valley guarding. All loan costs to treat a patient by that point three million rupaiyamjati father was waist, "he said," Where would the money? Could not people people, money, the money. Was miserable. "Due to lack of spending a helicopter accident in the dead relatives to go to their lack of concern. "Earthquakes are watery. By rnadhana treatment was finally earn. This accident happened. Now, they have to visit the mind. Now fly jam jam that has been gudera. During the four days to go through this way disturbed. Do not spend fly, "said Susan. Pritika husband Dhan Gurung and his brother work in Malaysia. They plan to return two years later, were gone in December. Wife, parents and son learned of the death of Bahadur and his brother are about to return soon. Pritile last year she married dhanabahadurasamga tenth grade eight. Sirdibasalagayata traffic due to lack of patient health care services in northern Gorkha and Kathmandu obliged to charter a helicopter, on foot. "By working day and night to reach such a sad place to eat hardly samjhabihana by helicopter for treatment, it is obliged to state ', sirdibasa 1 virabala flag, said," our life is also a helicopter chartered by the money earned enough to pay back the loan. How would run north of Gorkha lifestyle? The government must react to serious.
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